To HealthyMinds4U specialist online EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy & psychotherapy service. Experience transformative therapy from the comfort of your home, wherever you are – in the UK or abroad.
Our dedicated team of expert therapists supports young people (15+) and adults, helping you navigate challenges and rediscover balance. Look forward to a brighter, lighter future where the past no longer holds you back. Take the first step toward healing today. Healthy minds start here.
How can EMDR can help you?
Are you suffering from Anxiety, Panic attacks, Depression, Phobias, or Trauma.
Maybe you are having relationship difficulties, struggling to cope with loss, or experiencing intrusive memories from difficult times in your life that still cause you to feel distressed today.
Are things triggering you? Are you experiencing strong emotions that seem over the top for the situation? If so, this is often a sign of past trauma.
With guidance and support, you can overcome these difficulties and live a happier more fulfilling life.
What people say about our therapy .....

I felt listened to and heard and my experiences and feelings were validated throughout. I found EMDR tiring and I wonder if face to face would be better so that I can be in a different environment before and after sessions. But I like online as it is convenient around my busy life!
B.C June 2023

EMDR Therapy was like a breath of fresh air. 8 months prior I was in a dark place, and EMDR was a new form of therapy I had not tried before. Lynne has guided me over many sessions and through various memories and I have come out of it almost a changed man. My understanding around trauma, memories and emotions and how they all link has helped me process the trauma I had and move forward. I am happier, more confident and look forward to the future and I now have the tools that will help me in the future. I am very grateful to Lynne for guiding me on this journey to recovery and I am also grateful that I gave EMDR a go. Thanks Lynne.
M.R. May 2022

I found EMDR highly effective to get me out of the dark hole I was in. I was not in a place where I could talk about my problems without crying. I didn’t even know I had trauma. I don’t think I’ve ever been good at controlling my emotions but I was very good at holding in my emotions prior to what happened.
The EMDR process meant I didn’t have to say much about what happened, ideal for me as I didn’t feel I could talk. EMDR allowed me to get reasonably stable quickly so I was able to get back to work and starting feeling like me again quicker.
I am now able to talk about what happened without tears, and I’ve managed to overcome a huge obstacle and get a smear test. I couldn’t even imagine the phone call to make the appointment without crying.
Through EMDR we identified traumas in childhood which linked in with what happened, so I’m more aware of my triggers now.
I personally found online perfect for me, I was already very stressed so having it online saved me having to worry about extra things.
I know that if I ever need or want more sessions I just need to reach out.
Thank you Lynne!
I.M. April 2022

The process was efficient and very helpful. Lynne was professional and pleasant. I felt safe and I feel much better as a result of EMDR, I would recommend it wholeheartedly.
A.F. February 2022

I think I benefited from EMDR therapy because it was good to talk about childhood trauma. It was good to speak to a skilled therapist about difficult childhood events that I don’t often talk about, and use a strategy to help with the trauma.
We also talked about more recent traumatic events and that was cathartic as well. I feel much less anxious now than I did when I started EMDR therapy. The anxiety has not gone completely, but it is more manageable. I may be back in touch with Lynne in the future if necessary.
Thank you very much Lynne for all the work you did, I feel a lot better and I am very grateful.
C.I. January 2022

At first, I was slightly skeptical of how exactly EMDR worked and how it would work for me. But as the sessions went on, Lynne helped me to rewire my memories, to in time, make me feel strong and powerful and that I am in control. I would recommend Lynne and EMDR to anyone. Thank you once again!
R.W. September 2022

I was extremely nervous about starting therapy but Lynne made me feel comfortable from day one. EMDR enabled me to revisit childhood trauma that I had forgotten existed, yet made so much sense to the way I was feeling and why. It may sound cliche, however, therapy has enabled me to empower myself and tell me that I have choices in how I live my life. Therapy has enabled me to accept that I am still me, but that I have the right tools to manage situations that once may have triggered unwanted emotions.
Thank you, SE 2021

When I initially contacted Lynne for therapy, I had not heard of EMDR, and was looking for CBT support. When I met with Lynne to discuss therapy options, I was sceptical of EMDR and felt that CBT was a better fit with my specific issues, since it had been effective in the past. But after Lynne had explained how EMDR can help an individual deal with their anxieties, I agreed to give it a go.
The result has been that I have managed to address some deep-seated anxieties which had foundations is some early childhood memories. It has helped me to understand myself better and in turn, manage more effectively the anxieties that have been part of my life since a very early age. I now feel liberated from those memories and I feel better empowered to move forward in my life. C.L. March 21
Thank you, Lynne

This was a new therapy concept for me, but this appealed as previous therapies have been unsuccessful.
Initially, I found the sessions tough & did not look forward to my sessions as they were very emotive. But I persevered as I wanted to feel better and remove my debilitating grief and anxiety. I'm glad I did.
After the first sessions, I began to look forward 'almost' to the sessions, as I became more empowered & felt more positive over the proceeding weeks. I have now finished my sessions feeling I have achieved & accomplished so much. I feel hopeful and optimistic for the future, equipped with skill & techniques I can take forward.
Thank you so much Lynne for all your help. You've been brilliant! JM Feb 21

I really liked the EMDR process as it took me straight to my unconscious thoughts/feelings without me having to try to think too much. The process got to the core of my issues and allowed my feelings to be expressed. The reprocessing then helped me to form positive images and thoughts, creating pleasant memories. I have resolved problems from my past that were preventing me having a happy life. I now feel empowered and have a more loving relationship with myself. Over the years I have tried numerous therapy approaches that have not been as successful as EMDR. I would highly recommend this process if you want to be free of underlying problems that have not been resolved. E.J. Feb 2021

Lynne has helped me enormously with my anxiety issues. Sometimes the issues in your head seem trivial but they arn't to Lynne and she helps you put things in perspective. Through talking and EMDR she helps you see that most issues and worries are very deep rooted in the past. Being asked to recall the first time that you had a particular thought and feeling can be a little daunting but it's amazing how a particular memory, thought and feeling comes back quite quickly - stuff that I haven't thought about for 30 years came back as if it was yesterday. It's a remarkable process. M.L. Jan 2021

I was very sceptical of EMDR in particular, but it proved to be incredibly useful for helping process past trauma. To the point, I feel completely rid of certain bad emotions tied to specific events" M.S. 03/20

Thank you so much! It has been a long journey that at times has felt almost too difficult to continue but i alway felt safe and supported and knew the outcome would be worth it, and i was right. I finally feel like I am free of the things I have carried around with me for years and I am optimistic about the future. I cannot recommend Lynne and EMDR highly enough! A.B. Dec 2019

I wouldn't have believed my life could have been turned around like it has in such a short time. The rest of my life starts now. Client M.L. October 19

I wasn't sure what to expect from this therapy but really glad I did it. I have learnt a alot about managing stress, anxiety and emotion than I could have imagined. This therapy has helped me overcome some old emotional issues I didn't even know existed. EMDR therapy works in ways I don't understand still but it works all the same.thank you for teaching me these techniques that other therapies have failed with. Client A.D. August 19

I didn't know what to expect but Lynne was welcoming & non Judgemental. After just a few session I was less anxious, calmer & sleeping much better. Even my family noticed a difference. Would recommend to others don't suffer in silence." L.H. March 19

I was initially apprehensive about EMDR Therapy, however being made to feel as relaxed and as comfortable as possible made it easier to take on board what was needed and focus on the methods to help me through the traumas I had been referred for.
I have taken a lot of tools away with me to use as and when I may need them in the future and now feel more confident in facing any further traumas/memories in a more positive way, so being able to process them effectively, rather than them affecting me in a negative way." L.M. Feb 19

After having a lot of therapy with different styles I didn't think this would help as much as it has! I am in such a better place and so glad I came and stuck it out. Thanks a lot! L.C. November 18

I was sceptical about the process prior to starting the treatment, however I was supprised after the first session just how much it had helped. J.M. October 18.

Allowed me to break down my thoughts/trauma/emotions so that I started thinking rationally again, which then calmed my anxiety, improved my moods and made me feel happier/see things clearer/have a better understanding of myself and emotions. The sessions and help that has been provided for me is something I will be forever thankful for, would highly recommend. W.R. August 18

Before I went for therapy I was very nervous of what would happen and how I would feel, Lynne made me feel very secure and understood how I felt. She taught me coping methods and to put some memories away but not forgotten. I feel so much better now. I am sleeping better having been taught relaxing methods. I trusted Lynn with past memories that some of my closest friends don't know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. T.P. July 18

Absolutely surpassed my expectations, really helped me to tackle a range of issues around a traumatic event and helped me get back to normal. Thank you ever so much! D.T. March 18

I was in a bad place whenknow she is there for me if I have a bad time. I first saw Lynne, She was absolutely brilliant with me. I would never have thought that therapy (EMDR) could make me feel like I do today, it took only 4 weeks to get me to this point. I would highly recommend Lynne to friends and I also know that she is there for me I have a bad time. G.E. 3/18

Thank you card received with a handwritten poem. Thank you so much......
For helping me through this difficult time.
This card is just for you.
To thank you for your patience,
your understanding too.
The advice and support you offered,
was really from the heart.
And who I am today,
You especially played a part.
Thank you. B.H. February 18.

Lynne is an amazing therapist, I can't believe how much better I'm doing. I was a real pessimist. S.S. September 17.

Initially I was very unsure of attending these sessions. We used EMDR and in the first instance, it was extremely tiring but improved as the sessions went forward. Personally, it worked very quickly for me but I have a positive attitude. Thank you Lynne I am back to my normal self. K.M. August 17.

I am amazed how I feel now after my sessions. Being able to talk to someone has helped me enormously. The treatment has been very worthwhile and my anxious thoughts have almost gone. As you informed me I did feel worse before I felt better. I would advise anyone with mental health difficulties to give it a try. S.W. June 2017 (EMDR Therapy)

It was a new experience, relaxing environment and I learnt a lot of new skills - personal development. C.M. May 2017

I didn't think at first that the therapy was for me, after a while it started to make sense and therefore I started to feel the benefit from the sessions, I am glad I gave it go, and am feeling a lot better from the experience. C.S. April 17( EMDR therapy)